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Follow the steps given below to install the liionpack Python package. The package must be installed to run the included examples. It is recommended to create a virtual environment for the installation, in order not to alter any distribution python files.

Create a virtual environment

Using virtualenv

To create a virtual environment env within your current directory type:

# Create a virtual env
virtualenv env

# Activate the environment
source env/bin/activate

Now all the calls to pip described below will install liionpack and its dependencies into the environment env. When you are ready to exit the environment and go back to your original system, just type:


Using conda

Alternatively, use Conda to create a virtual environment then install the liionpack package.

# Create a Conda virtual environment
conda create -n liionpack python=3.8

# Activate the conda environment
conda activate liionpack

Now all the calls to pip described below will install liionpack and its dependencies into the environment env. When you are ready to exit the environment and go back to your original system, just type:

conda deactivate

Using pip

Execute the following command to install liionpack with pip:

pip install liionpack

Install from source (developer install)

This section describes the build and installation of liionpack from the source code, available on GitHub. Note that this is not the recommended approach for most users and should be reserved to people wanting to participate in the development of liionpack, or people who really need to use bleeding-edge feature(s) not yet available in the latest released version. If you do not fall in the two previous categories, you would be better off installing liionpack using pip.

Run the following command to install the newest version from the Github repository: To obtain the liionpack source code, clone the GitHub repository.

git clone

From the liionpack/ directory, you can install liionpack using -

# Install the liionpack package from within the repository
$ pip install -e .